People who want to carry their work into the future and lay the foundations for tomorrow are brought together by planning, programming, and added values; trust, effort, friendship, and respect connect them like the leaves of a tree. Atlantis Bilişim understands this cycle well and believes in it, but the foundations of this story were laid quite differently for itself.

The partners of Atlantis Bilişim, Muzaffer TEKE and Selçuk KARAHAN, are two old friends whose paths crossed in high school. They sweated together in exams, worked back-to-back through sleepless nights for their university dreams, and realized the same dream by entering the doors of Yıldız Technical University's Faculty of Civil Engineering together.

TEKE and KARAHAN, who solidified their friendship of over 34 years with a business partnership in 2001, complete the ethic of producing professional solutions with amateur enthusiasm at Atlantis Bilişim. With their 20 years of professional experience in the IT sector, they develop tailor-made applications for the institutions and organizations they collaborate with.

Company Profile

The foundations of Atlantis Bilişim were laid in 2001. Having completed 20 years in the industry, the company continues to produce solutions for its customers at 50 different locations. With nearly 10,000 on-site technical service operations, nearly 50,000 remote service operations, and numerous application projects, it offers the comfort and confidence of managing all IT-related needs from a single source.

In its third year of establishment, the company included the Manufacturing and Software departments into its existing structure. On the production side, it manufactures Kiosks, Digital Signage, and Touch Panels, while also developing specialized software for the needs of companies in the entertainment sector. Additionally, Atlantis Bilişim places the highest priority on creating solutions to reduce Turkey's dependence on foreign electronic components, thus contributing to the national economy. Through its collaboration with TÜBİTAK, it supports this contribution with the development of contactless card readers, electronic certificate services, and special mini card readers.

Our Mission

Developing IT projects that provide added value to our customers and our country, aiming to go beyond the opportunities of the current era with our efficient and dynamic structure.

Our Vision

Continuously improving service quality in the areas of R&D, Production, and Human Resources, and minimizing dependence on foreign sources in the field of Information Technology.